Valuation, Merger & Acquisition
Acquisition valuation involves the use of multiple analyses to determine a range of possible prices to pay for an acquisition candidate. There are many ways to value a business, which can yield widely varying results, depending upon the basis of each valuation method.
Some methods assume a valuation based on the assumption that a business will be sold off at bankruptcy prices, while other methods focus on the inherent value of intellectual property and the strength of a company’s brands, which can yield much higher valuations. There are many other valuation methods lying between these two extremes.

Valuation of the target company is an important pre-acquisition phase of the overall process of acquisition. It is a very complex and difficult task, but it is of great importance for the acquiring company in order to prevent overpaying for the transactions, as well as for the target company, to determine the minimum acceptable price.
What we do in details:
- Business Valuation
- Mergers & Acquisitions
- Share Valuation
- Asset Valuation
- Private Equity Fund
- Debt Restructuring
- Working Capital Management
- Venture Capital